Here are more pictures of our cute little guys. There are tons of pictures for you to enjoy, but mainly so I could have them on here when I print off the book. I know they may seem identical but they are not. Believe me, Aaron and I have had quite a few moments where we can't tell who is who. Lets hope that changes soon, otherwise we are in trouble :)

Jonah after bathtime!

Luke in the bath. Loving that warm water!

Feeding and Cuddle time!



Luke sucking on that hand of his. :)

This little outfit that Jonah is wearing was given to us from Aunt Julie to use to tell people that we were having boys. I thought then that I would NEVER use it because it was a premie size. Haha, I guess I was wrong :) I must say that it is getting a little to short for the boys, they are growing!!



Grandma Robin holding Jonah for the first time!

Jonah and daddy time

Jonah at 3 weeks old

Luke at 3 weeks

Aaron and Jonah about to try and bottle feed.

Mommy and Luke bottle feeding. They are just starting this and doing pretty good with sucking but they still need their feeding tubes until they can fully get a hang of it.

Luke 3 weeks old

Jonah 3 weeks old



Just having a little chat with each other. Notice how long Jonah's ears are. He takes after his mom. :)





Luke and Aaron- 10 days old

Daddy with Luke and Mommy with Jonah- 10 days old on Aaron's birthday
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