Stats: Born Monday, October 3, 2011 Luke Aaron was born at 1:47pm 3lbs 15 oz 16 inches. Jonah Scott was born at 1:49pm 3lbs 13 oz 151/2 inches. They were born at 31 weeks gestation.
The night before Monday, October 3 I could hardly sleep because of extreme back pain and I couldn't switch positions because when I would, contractions would start up. In the morning I was in a lot of pain and woke up to a new nurse. I was disappointed because it wasn't one of my regular nurses. When I met her I started crying because I had so much discomfort and pain. She was nice at first and tried to see where the pain was and was able to give me some medication to help me out. A little later when she came in and asked how I was, I let her know again that I was in pain and I tried to explain that it felt like contractions in my back and I was just trying to explain the different areas where I was hurting and she said, "well, I am not sure what else you want us to do because we have done everything we can to help. We have offered an egg crate, and we have given your pain meds..". I was shocked that she was actually saying this to me!! I wasn't trying to be difficult for her but I thought I should let her know that I am still hurting and I wasn't feeling right! Then she says this, " Well, did you think it was going to be easy?" I was shocked!!! Did this nurse actually say this to her pregnant patient??!!! I was so freaking mad!! I wanted to say get me another nurse!! I replied with all the patience in me, "No, I knew this was going to be hard, believe me, I never thought it would be easy. This is just the first time I have had this much pain and I am not quite sure what to do." She left the room and I just cried. I thought to myself, Am I being crazy? Calm down Amber, do some breathing exercises. I called my dad and mom crying and told them to wake Aaron up and come give me a blessing as soon as possible. Shortly after, my sister Jill called me and tried to talk with me but the contractions were hurting so much I couldn't hold much of a conversation. I think most of it consisted of her helping me breath during the contractions and coaching me on to get through them. haha. She was so nice as I cried to her that she said I will call mom and dad and tell them to hurry!
Finally they got there and tried to help out as much as possible. I decided to shower to try and calm down and ease the pain. I felt so much better but after that things just got worse. Finally, I told my mom that I felt like pushing. We quickly let the aide know and she promptly told Abby, my awful nurse. Abby came in and seemed to actually take me serious now! I wanted to punch her. ;)
So Abby decided that she needed to check me out and see if I was dilated anymore. I was a little nervous about this since my doctors had not been wanting to check me because it can increase labor and could easily break my water. Especially since my sac was about ready to pop any moment.
Well, she checked me and I don't know what she did but I screamed out in pain! SO MUCH PAIN! I cried and cried while she checked me and Aaron did not know what to do. I have never cried out like that before and I just squeezed my mom and Aaron's hands so hard. As my nurse is checking me she says oh, you are dilated and 100% effaced and I can feel a head! Aaron and I said, yes we know that already! I have been like that for a week!! I really wanted to say have you not read my history? If you did, you would have seen that you stupid woman !! This just enraged me. She did say I was dilated to a 5. From there on, everything went fast.
Labor and Delivery were called over to transfer me and get me ready. As more nurses came in I was getting an IV put in. This is not fun when you are going through contractions. The nurse doing it decided to do my hand first (from what I learned in nursing school that is the most tender and painful area for an IV ) She missed and then she decides to fish for the vein she missed!! ( This is a HUGE NO NO, that I learned in school) I wanted to say you are NOT supposed to do that!! I kept saying ouch, ouch, ouch and they just kept getting louder and louder until she understood that she was hitting a nerve or something. She tried a new area and also didn't get it. Don't worry it only turned into a hematoma and that hand that she kept missing puffed up and hurt for 2 weeks!!
I thought to myself, really people??!! Now is not the time for practice, get me someone who can get it on the first try! Finally, someone else tried on the other arm and got it on the second attempt. Just wait until you see the pictures of my arms. :)
They moved me over to Labor and Delivery and another doctor and a whole new set of nurses started to get me ready for whatever was going to happen while they were waiting for my doctor to get there. They did an ultrasound to see how the babies were positioned and they said that baby A was breech. I was so confused! I thought, how could he be breech when they said they could feel his head? Well, that meant that I would be having a C-Section. I was disappointed but by then I didn't care how I was going to deliver I just wanted them to be out. The doctor decided he needed to check me again and that meant more pain. :(
Everyone was moving so fast and before I knew it, Aaron was getting scrubs to put on and I was saying goodbye to my mom and dad and heading for the operating room. It was such a whirlwind, I couldn't believe it was all actually happening.
When I saw the doors to the OR I started to get so nervous and just prayed that everything would turn out okay with the boys. They transferred me over to the OR table and my anesthesiologist got started. My doctor was so nice and stood by me and held my hand the whole time they did my epidural. The nurses were awesome and so comforting. Pretty soon I was feeling SO much better and so relaxed. Gee, I wonder why? ;)
It began and Aaron and I just looked at each other thinking here we go! Right away Aaron said "It's just like the c-section video we saw!" haha I didn't think he would watch as much as he did but he did great! Pretty soon baby A was out and my doctor held him over the blue curtain so I could see him and there was the tiniest little baby staring right at me with eyes wide open and arms held out. It was absolutely so precious! Two minutes later baby B was out and held over the curtain with eyes open! I couldn't believe that it was over. Everyone was saying how good they looked for being born at 31 weeks and they all started laughing because they started peeing on each other! haha So right away we told them that baby A was going to be named Luke and baby B was going to be Jonah. It was perfect. Turns out baby A was NOT breech but was so far down in the canal that the other doctor thought he was because they could only see his butt! I was a little irritated to hear that at first but then they said it was good that we had a C-Section because baby B was so far up in me that they had to tug and pull him out. I would've had to have a C-section anyways to get him out. It worked out for the best.
I only got to see Jonah as they left and they even let me give him a little kiss. Aaron left with the babies to the NICU while I got patched up and sent to the recovery room.
After being in the recovery room for a few hours I got transferred to my room and got to see Mom and Dad Newell and Mom and Dad Waldeck and JJ. Later that night after resting I went and saw the babies and it was wonderful. I was of course really emotional and tired :)
Nothing went the way we had hoped or wanted but it all worked out for the best and we can't be happier. Here are some pictures of the cute babes ....
Waiting to go to the operating room
This picture doesn't show it but the top of my hand was also bruised and so sore!
This is Kangaroo time with the boys where we go skin-to-skin. My favorite time :) It was a little overwhelming at first but I sure do love it! I
More pictures to come but I just haven't downloaded them yet. The boys are getting so big.
Luke is 4 lbs 15 oz and Jonah is 4lbs 13 oz. They are now 3 weeks old! We aren't quite sure when they will get to come home but it all depends on how the sucking and swallowing goes. I am pumping milk ALL THE TIME and I still can't keep up :( I am trying everything I can so I guess we will see what happens when they get to come home. They are so darn cute!
Thanks for updating!! I seriously can't believe your freaking nurse! Like she really said that stuff to you!! I would've been soooo irritated! Good thing you didn't deliver vaginally because she would've been there telling you to push and you would've been like "really? what the h-e(double hockey sticks) do you think I am doing and then you really would've wanted to punch her! ugh. She makes me so mad! So far I am like half and half on my i.v starts, but I don't "fish" either. If I don't get it, I don't get it. Your poor arms! Sorry my comment is so long, but thanks for posting more pics of the boys. I'm so happy that they are so similar in their growth and that the one wasn't stealing from the other, etc. Were they identical? Did they have different sacs? I don't remember how it all works. (I guess I could google it! ha.)
ReplyDeleteToni, you are too funny! I am so glad you can see how irritated I was with my nurse. So proud of you for not "fishing" :) As for the boys, they are fraternal which means two different sacs, two placentas etc. :)