The boys have hit the 9 lbs + mark. I can't believe how big they are getting! They make the cutest sounds and I just love kissing on their little double chins ;) We have had quite a few rough nights but we have survived. As frustrating as it is to wake up at night, it never fails that they always bring a smile to my face. Our patience has definitely been tested though ;) I am slowly learning how to feed them at the same time. Whether it be giving them each a bottle propped up or breastfeeding one and bottle feeding the other with my free hand, we make it work. I miss having our mother's here helping out. They are missed GREATLY!
Christmas can't come soon enough, we are Oregon bound. Woohoo!

Their new Christmas stockings (Luke on left, Jonah on right)

My brother in law, Zac has this wonderful mother who made these sweaters and hats for the boys. It actually got cold enough to wear them. Thank you Kerstin, you are amazing and they are beautiful!

Jonah on blessing day

Luke on blessing day
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The crew that was able to make it to the blessing. It was so nice to have such wonderful family and friends surrounding this special day. The boys did pretty good considering feeding time was right when sacrament started.

Showing off the boys. It was a really cold day and we had to keep the boys wrapped up in Grandma Newell and Grandma Waldeck's blankets.

My 28th birthday was one of the BEST birthdays I have had. I couldn't be more happy and blessed in my life. This time last year I would have never thought that I would've accomplished the things I have accomplished and have TWINS! I had my family to celebrate with and it was perfect!

Aunt JJ and the boys

Uncle Jeff holding the boys on Thanksgiving day. He is a natural :)

We were lucky to spend Thanksgiving with the Waldeck side of the family this year in Mesa. We had 3 sets of great grandparents there to help hold the boys and uncle Jeff.

Great grandparents: Wayne and EvelynWaldeck

Great grandpa: Tack Schumacher

Great grandpa: Marvin Hollingsworth This grandpa had a set of twin boys himself, so this picture is very special. It brought back a lot of memories.
I can't believe how quickly your babies have grown. :) Can't wait to meet them.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to love on those two cuties! They are so big and I haven't even met them yet! Those are some great blessing shots too. Mom did a great job on the blankets! You are looking beautiful!