I am at 20 weeks and half way there! I can't believe how fast it has gone and before I know it November will be here. Aaron and I went to the doctor today and got the big anatomy ultrasound done. There were quite a few times where I just wanted to break down crying. Partly because I couldn't believe that this was still happening to us and the other part was just because the babies were so cute! Their feet, hands, legs, everything! They kept punching each other and moving everywhere. Baby B is kind of on top of Baby A, but they are head to head with their feet and bodies going the opposite direction (if that makes sense). The pictures I am posting doesn't show them together. I was sad because she didn't print off a picture that shows them next to eachother.
Lately I have been having a lot of growing pains but I guess that is to be expected now at 20 weeks. I am getting so big and I still have such a long way to go. I am going to be HUGE! The babies are already fighting for room, so I can only imagine kicks and punches I am going to feel soon. Yikes! As for my food cravings, I have been wanting popsicles!
I have kicked Aaron out of our bed and into the spare bed. I need my space to spread out and I get too hot! I think it is about time for a king size bed. :)
Here are the pictures..
Look at that little foot...so precious! That last picture of this set is the baby looking right at us.
I know it looks a little wierd.
Baby A pictures
Baby B pictures